Message from the Director General

Director General
Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center
Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation
On April 1, 2010, I was appointed Director of the Asia Pacific Industrial Property Center as the successor of Mr. Shin-ichiro Suzuki.
Under the guidance of the Japan Patent Office, the Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center supports other countries of the region in developing and maintaining the foundation of an intellectual property rights system. Since 1996, APIC has continuously provided high quality training programs and follow-up seminars, has consulted on the implementation of intellectual property rights systems and countermeasures to infringement, and has provided information and news related to intellectual property rights. Over the past decade, more than 3,200 government and civilian employees from a great many countries in the region have participated in our training courses, and have returned to their home countries to continue their work as intellectual property specialists in their respective fields
With economic globalization and the rapid development of technologies, global utilization and protection of intellectual property is becoming increasingly important. Innovation through the use of intellectual property will further promote economic development, leading to the advancement of all countries of the world.
On March 1st and 2nd, 2010, the “WIPO High Level Forum on the Global Intellectual Property Infrastructure for Promotion of Innovation” was held in Tokyo in which top officials from Patent Offices and other agencies from over 50 countries met to discuss current trends and best practices to utilize intellectual property systems for economic, cultural and social development. Then on March 5-6, the “30th APEC Intellectual Property Academy Collaborative Initiative” was held in Hiroshima in which the Japan Patent Office proposed cooperation in the training of human resources specializing in the field of intellectual property rights. This proposal was well received by the participating countries and regions.
I am very honored and pleased to have the opportunity to collaborate with other intellectual property rights specialists from many countries of the world at such an important time in our development. I look forward to devoting all of my energies in working with you to develop an even greater understanding and sense of leadership in the region.
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